Early-riser problems and another fun Friday Five

The Boyfriend called me on his way to work Thursday (just like the old days), which made for an earlier wake-up. Since it was actually breakfast time when I was eating breakfast, I decided to have — gasp! — cereal.

It wasn’t just any cereal, either. This was Fiber One. Chocolate Fiber One. Yes. I said Chocolate Fiber One.

Chocolate Fiber OneDo I need to repeat myself again? Didn’t think so. 😉

Mind you, I’m not much of a cereal eater anymore. Years on Atkins cured me of that habit. However, when I spotted the box of Chocolate Fiber One in Walmart a few weeks ago, I was sufficiently intrigued to pick it up — not intrigued enough to open the box immediately, but enough to buy it.

Thursday morning, the timing was finally right. I weighed out a serving (equal to 3/4 cup) on my handy kitchen scale, topped it with diced strawberries and unsweetened almond milk, and dug right in.

Pretty tasty.

The problem with eating breakfast at 9 a.m.? I was hungry again by noon.

I’d just run to Target to pick up some Zyrtec for my dog, Cocoa. Chobani was on sale, so I also snagged some of that,  as well as some barbecue-flavored baked kettle chips that had just 3 WW Points per 20-chip serving. I took the bag of chips in to Starbucks with me, along with the sandwich I made for  the lunch I usually eat at 3 p.m.

Spinach & turkey sandwichThe sandwich was inspired, if I do say so myself: Turkey, spinach, deli mustard, a wedge of Laughing Cow garlic herb cheese and some apple slices. I had 3/4 of an apple left over from Wednesday night’s after-work snack, so I decided why not?

Turned out to be a great decision. Yum! It was so good I forgot to snap its photo until the very last bite.

Gosh, it’s nice to have my appetite back.

My eating schedule was a bit off, though. I ended up wanting my dinner at around 6 p.m., rather than my usual 7 or later. Ah well. Nobody’s perfect.

Let’s get on with the Friday Five action, shall we?

Last 5 Apps I downloaded

  1. Dropbox for iPhone
  2. Dropbox for MacBook
  3. Evernote for Macbook
  4. Plant Nanny (My plant has sprouted, but it just started looking peaked when I got home from work. I sucked down a bottle of water, and it’s still not right.)
  5. Candy Crush Saga

5 Things I’m looking forward to in the Near Future

  1. Seeing the Boyfriend
  2. Visiting my brother, sister-in-law, nephew and niece
  3. Reading my friend Abigail Sharpe’s debut with Forever Yours, “Who Wants to Marry a Cowboy?” (Who doesn’t want to marry a cowboy, I ask you?)
  4. Starting a new DietBet. (Yes, I joined another DietBet. This one’s sponsored by DietToGo and starts Monday. Join me with this link.)
  5. Blend Retreat

5 Things I’m Looking Forward to Longer-Term

  1. Working with a designer to revamp my author website.
  2. Releasing my first novel.
  3. Crossing back into One-derland … and staying there.
  4. Getting through some of the books on my massive TBR pile.
  5. Fitting back into my favorite Eddie Bauer jeans (size 10).

Here’s hoping those writing goals and weight-loss goals aren’t mutually exclusive! Now that I’m feeling better, I need to hop right back on the workout wagon.

2 thoughts on “Early-riser problems and another fun Friday Five”

    1. I should have said “in no particular order” … 😉 I’ll do a Goodreads review when I get it read. Too bad I didn’t get an audiobook. Then I could have listened on my 8-plus hour drive to Salt Lake City Monday.

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