Survey Saturday: This or that, redux

Survey SaturdayWhile poking around fellow HealthysELFer Katie’s blog, I found another fun This or That survey.

I answered another version of This or That in August 2012, but these are completely different questions, so I thought I’d give it a go. I love telling y’all more about myself this way.

This or That?

1. Coke or Pepsi? Neither. I’m a diet Dr Pepper girl first. If I have to choose between diet Coke and diet Pepsi, I’d rather have Coke — preferably of the vanilla or cherry varieties, but the Diet Coke with Lime is tolerable, too.

2. Caramel Apple or Cotton Candy? Caramel apple all the way.

4. Salt or Pepper? Pepper.

Chocolate-Almond Butter Yogurt5. Pudding or Yogurt? Depends. Is the pudding chocolate? … Ahem. Seriously, I love Greek yogurt of all stripes. And if you doctor it up like Roni does, it almost tastes like pudding, especially the chocolate-peanut butter version.

6. American or Provolone Cheese? Real American cheese … not the processed kind.

7. Cookies or Brownies? Both? Oh, right. The point of the survey is to choose. If you put a gun to my head, I’d choose cookies because there are so many more varieties. Besides, you can bake a cookie that tastes like a brownie.

8. Pretzels or Chips?  Chips. Potato chips or tortilla chips are both good with the right dips. And I’m a big fan of PopChips. I recently tried the Sweet Potato variety — yum.

9. Cake or Pie?  Cake … with buttercream icing. White cake, chocolate cake, carrot cake, red velvet — I’ll eat ’em all. Did I ever tell you about my trek to find cupcakes at RWA Nationals in Anaheim last summer? (Link goes to my writing blog at After dinner one night, a group of us hoofed it from the Anaheim Garden Walk to Downtown Disney … overshooting our turn because we were looking at a faulty map on someone’s iPad. Halfway up the next block, we realized we had to double back and take a left at a stoplight to get into DD. At least all the walking made for less guilt when I devoured the goods, a red velvet cupcake with cream cheese icing.

I enjoyed this big bowl of oats, fruit and nut butter.
I enjoyed this big bowl of oats, fruit and nut butter.

10. Oatmeal or Cereal?  Oatmeal, but only if it’s cold. I’d much rather have Overnight Oats than hot oatmeal. The Boyfriend tells me that’s weird.

11. Mexican or Japanese? Mexican. I love chips and salsa, tacos, burritos …

12. Chinese or Italian? Italian. I didn’t even try Chinese food until I went to college. And while I love General Tso’s and cashew chicken, I’d choose Italian food any day.

13. Surf or Turf? Turf. Always. I love a good steak … or a not-so-good steak. I’m a beef eater.

14. Pizza or Pasta? Pizza

15. Mustard or Ketchup?  Spicy brown mustard

16. Sandwich or Wrap? Sandwich, I guess.

17. Apples or Oranges? “Apples. Honeycrisp.  Hands down.” < That was Katie’s answer, but I heartily agree. Honeycrisp are the best, with Jazz apples not too far behind.

18. Strawberries or Raspberries? Strawberries. Fewer seeds.

19. Blackberries or Blueberries? Blueberries, for the same reason.

20. Rice or Noodles? Noodles … unless “cauliflower rice” counts here.

21. Spicy or Mild? In between. I grew up in the Midwest, where bland foods R us — but since moving to Arizona, I’ve been slowly training my Midwestern taste buds to handle more spice. I can now eat “medium” salsa — and occasionally even use “hot” sauce at Taco Bell.

22. Salad or Soup? Salad, I guess. I rarely eat soup.

23. Soup or Stew? Stew. Thick and hearty.

24. Salted or Sweet Popcorn? Salted.

25. Cauliflower or Broccoli? Broccoli.

26. Onion Rings or French Fries? A tough one. I love onion rings, but I guess I’d have to pick fries because my body doesn’t react badly to them. (Onion rings, especially from Burger King, give me gas something fierce. Oops … TMI?)

My homemade ode to Five Guys.
My homemade ode to Five Guys.

27. Burger or Hot Dog? Burger … with or without bun.

28. Popsicle or Ice Cream? Ice cream. Preferably Ben & Jerry’s New York Super Fudge Chunk.

29. Coffee or Tea? Coffee early, tea at bedtime.

30. Chocolate or Vanilla? Chocolate

31. Sausage or Bacon? No contest: Bacon.

32. Peanut butter or almond butter? Almond butter, preferably homemade.

33. Salty or Sweet? Usually sweet.

Two eggs over sweet potato "hash browns."
Two eggs over sweet potato “hash browns.”

34. Fried or Scrambled Eggs? Eggs. Fried hard. I’m not a huge fan of runny yolks … although when you put the eggs over sweet potato hash, I can tolerate a little “dippiness.”

Chocolate Banana Pancakes35. Waffles or Pancakes? Pancakes.

I want to know more about you. Pick one or two of these questions and share your preferences in the comments.

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