Secret discovered

Today has been a long (but productive) day off for me.

First off, I had to rewrite/reconstruct my revised manuscript. (You can read about the loss of the last 50 pages of my revised version here, if you want.)

Since I do my best writing when I’m not home, I went — you guessed it — to Starbucks. While I was there, I had them make me a blended latte: Just espresso, cream and sugar-free cinnamon dolce syrup blended with ice.

Now I know for sure that my frappe-making skills are up to par: The resulting drink, which was delicious, was as icy as my homemade coconut-mocha frappe. The secret to a creamier coffee drink, it seems, is the Frappuccino base — and that, of course, contains sugar.

Because I completed my revisions in time, I treated myself to a matinee showing of “Bridesmaids.” It had some very funny moments, but given the way reviewers liken it to “The Hangover” from a female perspective, I expected it to be nonstop laughing. There were actually quite a few places where I almost cried — and not in a “laugh-til-you-cry” kind of way.

I also had a nice chat with my brother and finished one of my book club’s picks — not the one for the next meeting, but the one from two meetings ago. What can I say? I’m behind.

My main regret for the day? Aside from not getting to spend it with the Boyfriend (the big one), I wasn’t hungry for a proper dinner.

Breakfast, at about 9 a.m., was a two-egg omelet with cheddar, zucchini and onion. Then I had that latte at Starbucks. At about 2:30, I grabbed a half Cobb salad from Wendy’s — and a pack of peanuts from the adjacent convenience store so I could have something to snack on at the movie theater.

As a side note, the popcorn didn’t smell quite as tempting as it usually does. Normally, I walk in and instantly want popcorn;  but not this time.  I’m sure that has more to do with the low-carb diet than a change in the way the theater makes popcorn.

After the movie, at 6-ish, I had a stalk of celery with nut butter, then headed off to the used bookstore to see if I could get rid of a stack of books I decided I’ll never read. (They only took one — for a 50-cent store credit.)

When I got home again, I ate an Atkins caramel double chocolate crunch bar, followed by some cheese and two slices of ham. Definitely not a proper dinner — and it showed. I was hungry again a couple of hours later.

… But instead of snacking on something I shouldn’t, I cut half a cucumber into spears and ate it with blue cheese dressing “dip.” A healthier choice, if I do say so myself.

About a million more “healthy choice” moments like that and I just might reach my goal weight. Good thing it’s easier for me to make these kinds of choices while doing Atkins.

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