Digging out

After breakfast, I ventured outside to dig Focus out of his snowbank. After two days of walking to work, I was determined to drive this afternoon. It was no easy feat, with what I had to work with:

You say there's a vehicle under all that snow?

I could barely see my poor little car for all the snow. After clearing just enough snow to see, I backed into the road so I could leave all that stuff on the road instead of in our driveway.

Not perfect, but at least I can see.

About 10 minutes later, the car was finally driveable.

I treated myself to lunch out, then hit the grocery store to pick up a few things. While I was there, I found Oikos Chocolate and Caramel yogurt. At $4.99 for four 4-oz cups, it’s not cheap, but I  picked  up some of the chocolate. I remember Tina raving about it on Carrots N Cake last summer.

There was also a space on the shelf at Albertson’s for the elusive pineapple Chobani others keep blogging about. I nearly jumped for joy … until I saw it was empty. I’ve been wanting to try it, but the Safeway I usually frequent doesn’t carry it. I’ll have to check back at Albertson’s next time I’m over there.

After the grocery store, I stopped at Barnes & Noble. I had a gift card from my brother that, while not burning a hole in my pocket, came in handy for buying my next book club picks. We’re reading “The Art of Racing in the Rain” and a memoir about a big Mormon girl who loses 80 pounds and falls in love with an atheist. (It has a really long title that I can’t remember off the top of my head, and I left the books in the car. Something about a New York Regional Mormon Singles Halloween Dance, I think.)

Next up? A couple of episodes of “Twilight Zone” on SyFy before I head to work. At least I’ll be earning holiday pay (for today, but not the actual holiday tomorrow. Go figure.)

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