Lost in the mist?

Monday’s weather was crappy, with gray skies and snow flurries. The mountain got lost in the mist.

The mountain is out there. Really it is!

I feel a little like this blog has been lost in the mist, too. While I’m benefitting from the food journal posts (the scale’s down nearly 3 pounds since Friday), I miss my regular, chatty posts. So I’ll need to find time to do both.

Monday was a big day for me on the writing front. You can read about that success at the writing blog. (No, I haven’t gotten The Call just yet — but it was an exciting development all the same.)

PB Fingers special: Egg, Muenster cheese & jam on a cinnamon raisin Bagel Thin, with snap peas & yogurt/ranch dip. (noon)

As usual, I overslept. But I’ve been dying to try Julie’s favorite breakfast sandwich, so I made one for lunch.

Egg, cheese and jam on a cinnamon-raisin Bagel Thin might sound weird, but she’s right: It’s pretty tasty. I was a little skeptical, but I’m glad I tried it. The rest of those Bagel Thins certainly won’t go to waste!

Now, on to the ways I’m coming out of the mist:

I’ve done a lot more eating in over the last few days, and I’m relearning (yet again) that homemade foods can be a lot more filling than restaurant meals.

I’m also discovering that I pack way too many snacks. My lunch bag has returned home with one or two items in it every day. Guess I like having an array of things to choose from.

I also like having something to look forward to when I get home from work. The knowledge that I had that Thin Mint ice cream waiting for me allowed me to “just say no” to another Reeses’ egg (though, come to think of it, the small egg probably had fewer calories …).

P.S. I have yet to eat anything outside of the photos. I have, however, consumed a few undocumented cans of diet soda. I never said I was perfect! 😉

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